Uh Oh, I really need to do my task. I felt so bored so I put some bb cream on my face even I didn't go anywhere today. Then suddenly that feeling came out. I rushed to my mobile phone to take some picture since I suddenly wanted to make a review. He he he.
Remember my July haul post?? One of the product I bought was base make up from Etude House: Baby Choux Base Peach Choux and I'm going to write review about it. Yes yes I knew I was tooo way late to post about it since this product had been around since last year and was quite popular (if not really). But better be late than never right? Check this out gals!
credit to: the owner
Baby Choux Base was part of "Sweet Recipe" collection launched on 2013 by Etude House soon after Sulli and Krystal joined as their newest face (if I wasn't wrong. But I quite was sure, since soon after I read about those two became EH's new model, the brand released this collection). At that time I never pay attention to those make-up skincare things. But since my favorite f(x) members became their new model I rushed to watch the CF and man........that was the cause of my realization that I was a girl.
credit to: the owner
From only collecting my favorite idols' Cf I fell deeper into K-World by seeing the package. But hey! Which girl who wouldn't fell for this suuupeeerrrr cute packaging??? Who wouldn't want to display this great jar on their buffet??? I never knew that K-Brand was so innovative with their package. I used to see my mother's make up and all of them looked the same. So boring. This brand (Etude House) really changed my mind about make up. Actually I knew another brand that also came out with creative design, but none better than Etude House. Woah, it looked like I really loved them. I wanted it so bad but I didn't have any access about how to get it. I didn't know anything about online shopping back then><
credit to: the owner
Our pretty Sulli!!! Baby Choux was endorsed by her while Krystal endorsed the jelly lipstick (the packaging was also cute but it just like another lipstick tube). Could it be one factor why I wanted this Choux??? Since I like Sulli so much????
credit to: the owner
credit to: the owner
just when I finally had access to get K-Product, the firs one I checked was this Choux. Too bad, I was too late. Etude House had changed the package into tube one. Actually this one had more advantages in term of economic and travel-friendly compared with jar one. This tube came out with more 10 g with the same price and since it had tube form, it didn't consume too much space in ur bag. But, as make-up blind person, I didn't really care about that travel friendly thing. What I wanted was that cute jar!!!! (how childish ><) That's why I didn't buy this instead I got Face Conditioning.Why stopped the jar version Etude? Why?????
credit to: the owner
I finally resolved my mind and didn't mind to buy Baby Choux Base though it wasn't on jar. I was about to order this Mint one but my Trial Precious Magic Cushion arrived and thanks God. This one didn't look good on my face! I thought since my acne scar got hyperpigmentated this green base would work well ;(
But hey, did u notice something?? This tube was a bit different with that tube above. I'll tell u later.
credit to: the owner
This pink one? Uhm.........Pass it! This one for 'pale' skin color. My skin? It was far from being pale. But actually I set my mind to get this base make up because I got sample in this color from my previous purchased. The smell was really nice and it was really easy to blend to the point I thought "I need this in full size!"
credit to: the owner
I ordered this peach one. The color matched well with my dark skin when I put that Precious Magic Cushion in Peach. I hoped this one worked well too.
When the product came to me I was a bit confused. I Thought this Choux was different from what I remembered. I was true, when I took closer look to the package i didn't find any 'sweet recipe' on the tube or the box. I checked and I found out that this one wasn't part of Sweet Recipe anymore. I didn't complain though. The tube was slimmer and smaller than I expected, well in the pict it looked like they would come out huge. But hey, it only contain 35 g product. And this 'only 35 g' was really much!!!
I accidentally left the box in my hometown and forgot to bring it back with me. So I couldn't show u mine. It also came out with seal like my Face Conditioning Cream.
Only this much. Yes. Then spread it on ur hand before applying it onto ur face. My favorite way to apply it was with ur finger then tap it. It seriously gave u very natural look, it wasn't look as heavy as if u only distribute it directly onto the face like what Sulli did in her "Geit It Beauty Self" video. But it was depended on how ur skin condition and what kind of base make up look that u want (dewy, soft or matte).
On this pict I put the base on my left face. I forgot to take pict of my bare face, since I didn't intentionally want to make review in the first place. Notice any different? My left face definitely more white than my right one. It also slightly cover my blemish. It did enhance my skin tone!
Now I put Etude house BB cream Cotton Fit on my right face. I spent the same amount with what I usually need for my entire face only for this half face. My skin tone brighter but not as bright as the side with Baby Choux Base (I didn't put BB cream yet onto that side yet)
Now I put BB cream on left side. Only small amount since my face already white, just to correct some uneven skin color from left side. The side with Choux+Cotton Fit was smoother than side that only had Cotton Fit on it. Don't mind my dark circle and my blemish. U still need concealer to cover all of the blemish since mine was quite bad.
Taraaah!!! After I 'pat pa't onto my face to make sure the cream absorbed well. I was quite satisfied with the result although the blemish still appeared, but they had been hid quite well! Even my friend that definitely better at make up than me fell with this product. She kept praise this Choux and said how nice the result was.
Okay, another pose! Smile! Cute pose! Hahahahahaha. Sorry since my laziness I wasn't change my cloth and my veil. I only grabbed my mukena and captured here and there><
Closer look! same pose with different grid.
What I like:
- Affordable!!! I got it around IDR110!!!! With 35 g product inside, it was definitely cheap!!
- Nice scent, it had similar scent with Berry Choux but wasn't as strong as it
- Smooth ur face, well u need different way to apply it
- Natural look! It was also depended on how much u applied and the way u put it. just use a little amount would be enough!
- Only 35 g but it will last like forever! Since u only need small amount of it
- It really didn't crumpled when u fell u need to add more layer on top! Seriously guys!
- White? Yes, but light white that wouldn't turn u into "ghost". Kekekeke
- Nice SPF! As far this product was the highest SPF product that I had. it was 33++!!! Wow, even higher than Cotton Fit
- BB cream friendly! I didn't know whether using base make up could let ur make up last longer, but for the amount I needed for BB cream if I applied this before definitely fewer than if I used BB cream alone! Hooraayyy, save my money!
What I dislike:
Repurchased? Hem, I was still in doubt. Although I love it so much but I also wanted to try another base make up from another brand. Since it has limitation of date from ur first time u opened it (only 12 m) buying more than 1 base make up would be hard for me;(
Well that's all. Hope it helped!
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